Aging and Adult Care of Central Washington can assist you to remain comfortably and safely in your home. Please contact us at (509) 886-0700 if you would like more information about any of the following programs:
Aging Network Chore
Aging Network Chore provides household care, assistance with activities of daily living, personal care and/or protective supervision to older persons who need help with allowable chore services if they are to live independently in their own homes.
Case Management: (ADRC)
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Case Management
ADRC Case Management assists seniors or disabled persons over the age of eighteen along with their informal or formal caregivers to access services and provide coordination of services being received. Activities of ADRC Case Management include:
1) assessing the individualâs needs
2)Â developing care plans
3) arranging and coordinating services among providers
4) follow-up and reassessment to ensure that care plan is stable and meeting the individualâs needs.
These services are at no cost to the clients and are provided on a short-term basis during stabilization or transition changes.
TXIX Case Management or Medicaid Case Management
These services are available to older adults and adults with disabilities who live at home and who qualify for a Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) funded long-term care program. These programs are Community First Choice (CFC) or Community Options Program Entry System (COPES). These programs require both a financial and functional need qualification. Â ADRC Staff is able to help navigate application for these programs.
This service assists adults at risk of institutionalization to access and use services that will enable them to maintain the highest level of independence in the least restrictive setting. Less restrictive settings include at home with a state-paid caregiver, assisted living, or adult family homes. Case Managers assess a personâs needs, develop a plan for services, authorize services, and monitor the care plan to ensure a personâs needs are met.
Case Management
Case management conducts assessments and reassessments for functionally impaired adults at risk of institutionalization. Case management also helps clients in accessing, obtaining, and effectively using the necessary services which will enable them to maintain the highest level of independence in the least restrictive setting.
COPES Environmental Modification
The COPES Environmental Modification program provides physical adaptations to the home of a client. The adaptations must be necessary to ensure the clientâs health, welfare, and safety, must enable the client to function with greater independence in the home, must be of direct and remedial benefit to the client, and without which the client would require institutionalization.
COPES Home Health Aide & Skilled Nursing
Home Health Aide provides assistance with hands-on personal care, ambulation, exercise, and self-administered medications to clients in their own homes on a visiting basis. Skilled Nursing services are provided by an RN or LPN, under RNâs supervision, on a visiting basis when the client has temporary skilled nursing needs beyond the scope which can be provided by non-licensed staff. The services must be medically necessary.
CFC Personal Care
CFC Personal Care provides assistance with personal care and household tasks. The client must be determined Medicaid eligible for nursing home level of care. Financial participation may be required.
Health Home Program
The Health Homes program is designed for consumers of most Medicaid programs, who have complex chronic health care issues, to access and coordinate their care while gradually achieving their own life/health care goals.
Health Home services are provided by Care Coordinators who:
- Meet with you to develop your individual Health Action Plan.
- Assists in transitions of care if you are in and out of the hospital, nursing facility, or move to a new long-term care setting.
- Works with all of your providers to support your care and well-being.
Care Coordinators will also assist individuals, when necessary and appropriate, to access other benefits and programs for which they may be qualified.
To learn more about the Health Home program: Click Here
Kinship Navigator Program
The Kinship Navigator Program is designed to assist grandparents and other relatives navigate the system of services for children living with relatives. Assistance is provided to relatives connecting them to needed services and resources to keep children from entering foster care.
Medicaid Personal Care
The Medicaid Personal Care program provides assistance with personal care and household tasks for persons with at least one personal care task need. The client must be SSI eligible.
Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
PERS monitors the frail, homebound elderly by means of an electronic device that secures help in the event of an emergency. The response center has access to the clientâs local response network including police, fire, ambulance, friends and/or neighbors depending on the nature of the emergency.
Professional Nursing Services
Nursing services are provided in residential and home settings. The services enhance the Community Options Program Entry System (COPES), Medicaid Personal Care, and the Developmental Disabilities program. Nursing services are initiated on a referral basis from case managers and social workers.